A state by state guide to birth certificate changes in the United States
MtF Voice Training Regimen
Reddit post on voice training regimen.
M2F vocal exercises
Useful vocal exercises. Note: Pitch, Intonation, Resonance, Other speech features, Non-speech features links on the left.
Virtual FFS
This site details the typical differences between men and women’s facial structures and help gives a better understanding of any facial work you may need. For a fee you can also send your pictures to the site’s author and she will alter them to approximate your results post feminine facial surgery. Recommended.
Facial team
Facial Team was founded by Dr. Luis Capitán (Spain) and Dr. Daniel Simon (Brazil), specialists in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, primarily to meet the demand for Feminine Facial Surgery.
GRS Montreal – Dr Brassard
Dr. Brassard is a Canadian SRS surgeon in Montréal Québec. He does both MtF and FtM surgeries. His MtF technique is the standard penile inversion method.
Suporn clinic
Dr Suporn Watanyusakul MD is an aesthetic plastic and reconstructive craniofacial surgeon specializing in the fields of SRS, FFS and Augmentation Mammaplasty (AM) operations, and whose Clinic is in Chonburi, Thailand.
Transgender Peer Associates
A not-for-profit company, that aims to provide social and emotional support services, including peer support and mentoring, to any individual that identifies as transgender, transexual, gender assigned incongruent, transvestite, crossdresser, intersex, gender queer, gender questioning or any actual or perceived gender variance, their significant others and those who support them.